Monday, February 21, 2022

Winter Naif

Winter storm warnings for today and tomorrow (possibly also Wednesday).   Got errands done early and settled in for a couple of days.  Made chili for lunch and then opened up the Winter Garden's catalog that had arrived last week.  Got out my highlighter pen to mark those plants I want to pick up this spring.  First the grasses.  Yes!  They have little bluestem.  Thought I'd add it to my patch of big bluestem.  Checked out daylilies.  I'm a sucker for daylilies.  They have a new variety 'Lips and Lipstick'.  Marked that one.  Stopped at the Asiatic Lilies.  I'll pick out the smelliest ones I can find.  Some are designated as Asiatic Pot Lily'- will have to search on the Internet and find out what that means.  Checked out peonies  - just in case one of my current ones doesn't come back - marked 'Riches and Fame' and 'Scarlet Heaven' as possibilities.  I usually pick out herbs on the fly at the nursery but I marked English lavender, lemon grass, Mojito mint, basil, and thyme anyway.  Might pick up some hops for a vine to grow up the outside electrical board and, of course, a small Christmas tree for next year - spruce, fir, or maybe a hemlock.  I'll go back through the catalog tomorrow 'cause I'm sure there are other plants to consider.   Have that same gleeful feeling we had as kids going through the Sears and Roebuck catalog.

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