Thursday, December 03, 2020

Picture blanket

My friend Nancy is turning 60 in a few days so we had a surprise Zoom party for her.  Another friend collected and modified pictures of Nancy w/ her 'Green Bay Packer's' wristwatch, four friends together, Nancy and her husband on chairlift, and Nancy happy to be on a trip in the great outdoors.  She had them transferred onto a blanket.  I stopped by the Dollar Store and picked up some pretty cheesy birthday stuff - sash, name tag, crown, and noise makers.  (The cashier asked if my granddaughter was having a birthday.  First time I have been referred to as someone old enough to have grandchildren so that bummed me out for awhile.)  Then picked up a piece of carrot cake, a diet coke, and birthday paper plate and napkins.  Placed the folded blanket w/ a card in the bottom of the box.  On top of that all the rest of the stuff and lastly tied a helium balloon to a weight and put those things in last.  When the box was opened, the balloon should float up and out first.    I contacted Nancy's husband and transferred the box to his car this morning.  She was indeed surprised on the Zoom meeting tonight and was a good sport to wear the sash, crown, and name tag.  However, I think we might have made her cry a little when she saw the pictures on the blanket.


1 comment:

Brent said...

A creative way to celebrate Nancy's birthday when you can't get together in person. Sounds like you all had fun.