Friday, December 04, 2020


Whip and I drove into town.  After picking up the mail, we drove over to the gas station for this week's local newspaper.  I parked in front of the door and, as I was adjusting my mask, read the notice pasted on the door.  The first paragraph referred to the governor's mandate that everyone wear a mask in public until January.  The second paragraph said that because of HIPAA privacy laws, the staff could not ask anyone  without a mask if they had a exemption because of a medical condition.  The last paragraph said therefore the staff would assume anyone entering w/o a mask had a reason to not wear one.  They would happily serve anyone entering.  There were lawsuits against the mandate that are percolating through the judicial system.  Don't know why anyone bothered suing.  Many sheriff's in the state stated publicly they wouldn't enforce the mandate and now it appears some businesses won't bother to either.

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