Monday, November 09, 2020

White Birch against the Sky


It felt warm this morning so I put on a short-sleeved shirt.  I buckled up Whip into her harness and saw that the temp was in the 60's.  When the sun rose Whip and I went out again to put the plants I'm overwintering out into the sunshine - a task I'd been doing daily for the last week.  The forecaster on TV though said by 6 p.m. we would be having storms w/ the possibility of snow the next day.  Whip and I took off for our long walk early.  I'm looking for photo opportunities for the November contest so we take a slightly different path each time we go out.  This time it was the new path around the far field and I found berries (that I still have to identify), vistas of the swamp, and white birch.  The sky had me worried.  The wind was blowing in deep grey clouds and I didn't think rain would hold off until the afternoon.  I was right.  As Whip and I emerged from the woods, I could feel moisture blown on the wind.  By the time we got back to the house, there was actual rain drops.  The temps were also falling so I dragged Whip back out (for a labrador she surprisingly doesn't like to get wet) and we put the flowers back in Mjolnir and shut the garage door.  Last week was a wonderful respite but looks like winter found us again.

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