Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Red Baneberry

 I woke up in the night to the sound of something dropping on the kitchen counter - or maybe it was the dining room table - couldn't really tell.  Sometimes I hear noises in my dreams that wake me up (haven't figured that one out yet) so I wasn't sure it was real.  Blitz, who likes to sleep w/ me at night, had her head raised and looking out toward where the noise would have emanated so she must have heard something too.  I listened for Whip.  Not a sound from her plus I didn't see Dunder skulking into my room either.  He probably would look for a hiding place if there was anything strange going on.  I went back to sleep.  This is why I have pets - if they aren't concerned w/ what goes bump in the night, neither am I.  Forgot about the noise until this morning when I was in the kitchen.  When I make rolls I use frozen bread so I let it thaw and raise in a plastic bowl on the counter overnight.  Last night I had used a different bowl.  The lid on my usual bowl is just pushed up by the rising bread but I saw that the lid on the new bowl must have rather explosively gone airborne since it was now on the counter a foot away from the bowl.

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