Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sleet & Shards

 A crystalline morning.  That's because it sleeted most of yesterday so everything was covered w/ a coating of ice (plus it had snowed a little overnight).  As soon as the sun came out the whole landscape sparkled and shone.   Waited for the long walk until later in the afternoon hoping it would warm a little.  (It didn't.)  However, once we got going, I forgot about the cold because of how beautiful everything looked.  Only issue was walking through the woods.  I grab saplings sometimes to steady me as I step over rocks, through fallen leaves, and over downed trees.  Every time that I did I was showered w/ little shards of ice falling off branches.  It's not that they hurt but some found their way into the cuff of my hat, down the neck of my vest, and (worst) past the waistband of my jeans.

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