Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bird feeder

 Had a Zoom meeting w/ friends today.  Must admit that one good thing from Covid is we meet this way about twice a week so we are talking more than we have since we all left Honeywell.  Today's subjects included:

(1) The etiquette around telling someone they made a mistake in a recipe they sent you.  In this case it wasn't the ingredients or the amount.  Instead it was in the instructions - "cream the cheese in a bowel."
(2)  Limbo vs. Purgatory and how paying to speed someone's way out of purgatory seems the same as the selling of indulgences.  Which of course got me on my 'high horse' about televangelists and prosperity theology.  Had to throw in how Kenneth Copeland said he has to have a private jet because he "can't talk to God when flying commercial."
(3)  Of course there was still some talk of the recent election.  The president tweeted today that it was Dominion voting machine's software that miscounted millions of votes.  There isn't any proof of that but then who needs facts?
(4) We actually submit a list of topics to cover before each meeting.  Unfortunately, we didn't have time to discuss how to keep e-mail content from being read by third-party vendors so they can pop-up specific ads for you.  Even though it's only done by computer, it's still creepy.  It'll keep until next meeting.
We do try to stay away from dwelling on our aches, pains, and bodily functions but every other subject is fair game.

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