Saturday, November 28, 2020

Ice forming on the pond

Whip and I stop off at Mjolnir on the Saturday morning constitutional and I water all of the plants.  Housing the plants in the workshop is so much easier than how I used to overwinter them.  I started out overwintering them dry root - none of the plants made it to spring.  The next year I left them in their pots and situated them in my bedroom on the floor.  Had to step around them whenever I wanted something in the closet and the cats had a field day playing in the dirt /eating the leaves.  The next year I housed them in the spare bedroom.  That was a little improvement but I had plastic all over the floor and it was messy moving them into the laundry room whenever I had company.  Then I had the bright idea of putting them in a tent in the living room.  The living room has plenty of room, the bottom of the tent caught spilled water, and the top of the tent was all mesh keeping the cats out but letting the light in.  However, I had to crawl into it on my hands and knees whenever watering the plants.  Mjolnir's workshop has windows on the east, south, and west sides so the plants get sun.  The temp stays low but constant and w/ all of the plants crowded in there, the air is on the humid side. I've got a deep sink right in the workroom so it's easy to fill up the water can.  Plus at the same time I spritz the caterpillar chrysalis that is overwintering in a dark corner - just in case he's still alive.

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