Sunday, November 29, 2020

Blaze Orange

Last day I wear blaze orange on the walks.  Am glad to be able to go back to my puffy warm vests.  Found out I have something in common w/ President-Elect Biden.  On Friday, I walked out in the woods w/ my shoes and sprained my ankle.  Since then I've worn my boots which extend up  and over my ankle and keep it straight - making walking tolerable until the ankle heals.  Also in the news, my state just finished the ballot recount requested and paid for by President Trump.  President-Elect Biden won again (and even gained a few votes more).    President Trump now says he will challenge those recount results in the courts.  I'm frustrated w/ all of the baseless (the courts have been laughing at lawsuits filed in other states) claims and whining from our president who is acting like a petulant child.  I'd like to fly a bunch of Trump Baby Blimp Balloons from my house (turns out they are only $8.99 on Amazon).   However ticking off the neighborhood wouldn't help the situation.  Instead will have faith that our country's government institutions will work it all out and, in the meantime,  I'll walk off any frustration I'm feeling (taking care not to reinjure my ankle of course).

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