Thursday, November 26, 2020

Oven Pancake

A good day to be thankful.  Woke up to a light dusting of snow over the fields.  Decided to make an oven pancake for breakfast and filled it w/ apples, brown sugar, and cinnamon.  (I've heard it's fashionable to put out pictures of what you eat so this is the pancake right out of the oven before I plated it.)  That filled me up until after the dog show on TV.  (Whip was better looking than all of them.)  I remembered tales Mom would tell of her time working as a maid in Winnetka.   She said they would take the serving bowl for the salad and first rub a clove of garlic all over the inside.  Always wondered if that made any difference so I cut open a clove of garlic today and rubbed it over the inside of my salad plate first.  A little surprising but it turned out the slight garlic smell and very subtle taste was a perfect background to a green salad.  

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