Monday, November 23, 2020

Blue Jay

Orion is throwing his leg up over the eastern horizon right after sunset.  It's nice to see him and his belt made up of three aligned stars.  Facing him is Taurus the Bull whose face is made up of a tight 'V' of stars.  Riding on Taurus's back is a fuzzy patch - the Pleiades (the seven sisters).   Consider it an eye test.  How many of the sisters can you make out?  Continuing toward the west is a bright star about half way up in the southern sky.  That's actually the planet Mars.  It will be very easy to locate for the next couple of days because the moon will be passing right below it.  Above Mars but further to the west, is the Great Square of Pegasus.   The nice thing about star gazing this time of year is it gets dark early and it's not yet so cold you freeze your nose off.

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