Monday, November 16, 2020

American Kestrel

Forecast was for 'accumulating snow'.   That could mean most anything.  As I sat sipping my morning coffee I saw the first snowflakes starting to float on the air.  The time for a walk was now!  On our walks, Whip is off-leash for good reasons.   First, I generate a lot of heat walking so, in sub-freezing temps if I let the dog run as she pleases  she should be able to keep herself warm too.  Second, we went 'cross-country' through woods and swamp today.  Those are places where it would be easy for a leash to get wrapped around a tree or to be pulled off your feet on the uneven terrain.  Third, Whip looks so happy running full out following an old scent or tearing up the trail when she realizes she's lost sight of me.  Glad we took off early.  The snow kept on coming throughout the day and we ended up w/ a couple of inches out of this storm.

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