Tuesday, November 17, 2020


According to my 'coronavirus log' it's now been two weeks since the election.  Yes, as I said before, I keep a spreadsheet where I daily enter my temperature, where I went that day, and, in cases where I had lengthy contact, who I've seen.   If I do catch the virus it should be easy to figure out where I might have caught it/who I might have infected.   Keeping such a coronavirus diary I assumed was just me being 'anal-retentive' but at the election I found another poll worker does the same thing.  On election day I saw 200 or so of my neighbors and I did curbside voting w/ people who have tested positive.   Good to know the election process probably wasn't a spreader event here. Hopefully every election is open, free, easy, and very safe.   I consider someone sowing seeds of doubt in the process before the election, fabricating lies about the veracity of the election after it's done, and acting like a virulent dog-in-the-manger because they are unhappy w/ the results to be anti-American.

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