Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Waiting for Sunrise

I didn't have to call to get an annual mammogram.  The clinic saw it was time, they made an appointment, and just let me know when: this morning at 8:30.  Check-in was streamlined too so no paperwork at check in or second waiting room - someone escorted me right from the front desk directly to the imaging room.   I'm all for keeping these new processes even after we don't have to worry about wearing masks and keeping 6 feet apart.  However, the actual mammogram procedure hasn't changed.  There is a lot of touching involved.  I've found that puts me into a downer and the best thing to quell that feeling is to reward myself afterward.  So the next stop was McD's for a latte and apple fritter.  Also helps to have a dog who is positively thrilled to see me again even though it's only been an hour.  (The cats looked up as I walked in and said, "You were gone?")


Brent said...

Evelyn and I weren't impressed with the Macs apple fritter - not much apple in the fritter.

Anonymous said...

Not a fun medical procedure. I refer to it as the Grab & Smash.

The Sandbar said...

Unnerving procedure to say the least. They only see me every other year now, as I refuse to go any more often than that. I always treat myself to a little shopping after the ordeal and buy myself something expensive. Lol.
