Wednesday, October 21, 2020


More snow.  Maybe 7" though it only looked like 3" this morning. (Probably settled and melted a bit.) Whip was not happy about the wet snow last night but this morning she discovered it's joys.  She grabbed big mouthfuls of the stuff and thought that was 'cool' (so to speak).  Then she wanted to run in it but I had her on the leash.  We went into the stockade and I let her off the leash.  She took off full tilt to do a couple of laps around the inside before sitting at my feet.  We had gone out to put out the garbage for pickup so I hadn't brought any treats w/ me.  I made a snowball and tossed it as far as I could.  She took off after it and pawed around looking for it in the snow.  When she came back, I threw another.  She had figured out already there was no treats to be found so she just ran after them for the fun of it.  When she finally stopped chasing my snowballs and was panting, I figured it was time to come back in.  This snow will melt but later, when we no longer can take long walks because the snow is too deep, I'll have to figure out other ways to amuse her.  Chasing cats in the house?

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