Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Frosted Blackberry leaf

Winco came out this morning to check the building's heating systems.   Winco installed the one in Mjolnir only two years ago but I figured I might as well have it checked too.  Both systems are off-peak electric in-floor heat.  In the depths of winter I sometimes worry if there is sufficient water/pressure in the system.   There really isn't much else that can go wrong w/ this type of heating.  No filters to replace or fuel lines to plug.  Plus they run w/ 100% fuel efficiency.   I flipped on the override the second electrician had installed for me and set the thermostats at 80 degrees.  That way, even though he came during off-peak hours,  Winco could see both systems working.  He added a little water to the Mjolnir's system and will order a faulty pressure gauge for Haven's.   He answered a couple of my questions and was done within 1/2 hour.  One more winterizing item completed.   I also got in some trash talk about the first electrician (who hadn't wired the system for off-peak and blamed Winco).   I never claimed to be a saint.

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