Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 I'm going to complain about something so if you've had your fill of angry people just bypass this entry.  On the good side I'm not going to be complaining about the upcoming election.  Instead, it's the people who shine deer.  From when the rut  begins until  rifle season, some people drive around w/ high-powered lights that they use to sweep over the fields in search of deer.  Since it's done after sunset, from a vehicle, and from the roadway (hunting is prohibited in all of those situations)  'shiners' must just want to see the eyes of deer as they look up from their grazing.  Deer eyes are like dog and cat eyes.  They have a layer of tapetum lucidum behind the retina which is highly reflective (humans and other non-nocturnal animals don't have it) so deer eyes glow when hit w/ a light beam.  Why do I care if people choose to shine deer?  Because the idiots are shining me!  Tonight was the second time I was shined this season.  I enjoy a night time walk w/ the dog in the fields and I'd rather not have a bright light shined in my face.  I dream of following a shiner's truck to their home and shining a bright light in their face.  Of course that does seem a bit dangerous for whatever satisfaction it might give me.   I'll make do w/ giving them the 'evil' eye; sticking pins in a voodoo doll; and sending a plague of beetles their way. After all, 'tis the season.

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