Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Meadow in Morning Light

If there is anything bad about retirement it is one can lose track of time.  It seemed when I worked I could juggle all sorts of things in a busy day.  Today, I had only one thing to remember - an appointment for a flu shot at 1:00 - and I forgot it.  Not entirely, though.  It occurred to me as I was washing dishes that I had one more picture to submit for the photo contest this month.  I had scouted out the location the day before and planned on taking it right after getting the shot.  THE SHOT!  I looked at the clock - it was already 5 minutes after 1.  I changed my clothes, brushed my hair, and drove over to the clinic.  I was now half an hour late but they assured me at check-in, for just a flu shot, this wouldn't be an issue.  Plus on the way home I did remember to stop off and take the final picture for the contest.  So ... I prefer to think that I wasn't as focused on getting the flu shot as I should have been rather than I'm getting old and my memory is failing.

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