Monday, October 26, 2020

Last Leaves

Helped setup for the election this morning.   The Chief Inspector and I set up the town hall for the election, made sure we have all of the materials needed, and tested the voting machine.  These tests are announced in the paper if any of the public want to come, ask questions, or participate in the test of the voting machine. (No one ever has that I know of.)  The town board bought plexiglass screens for us and fastened them to a table to separate the poll workers from the voters. (Yippee!)   We moved the sign-in table to the back of the room.  That way people waiting to vote will have more room to spread out.   We left one bench out in case anyone  registers as a poll watcher.  (We've never had one before but best to be prepared.)   Have a little table set up by the door for people to pick up a mask if they don't have one or use sanitizer on the way in/out.  Posted all of the notices that no one ever looks at but are required by law to be posted and also posted the newer notices about wearing a mask, staying six feet apart, and warnings to people allergic to latex.   After the test of the voting machine, (Barb and I voted at least once for every candidate on the ballot, wrote in names, and tried out every button on the screen) we cleared the memory, changed the paper, printed a report showing everything was reinitialized, and put locks on the print paper, memory, and on/off switch.  (We check that the locks haven't been tampered with before taking them off and starting the machine on the morning of the election.)   Just waiting now for November 3rd.


The Sandbar said...

Nice to know how the voting machines are tested and secured. Reassuring.


Brent said...

I give you lots of credit for all you do for your township. Your an asset to the community.