Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tamarack in Autumn


Another sign that winter is nigh is the snowbirds are leaving.  Aunt Ruth and Uncle Rodney stopped by to drop off the plants they would like overwintered before they head to warmer climes.  It's the same two as the year before.  We put them, at least temporarily, in Mjolnir w/ the geraniums.  When we have a warm day, I'll move them into Haven.  Geraniums can take the cooler temp that I keep Mjolnir at during the winter but I'm not sure how well these plants, which look more tropical, will handle it.  Later I called Phil and caught him in Kansas City.  Sheila and he have also started south.  Because of Covid concerns they are traveling straight through.  He asked if I liked the latest cold temps and snow.  I replied that I was ecstatic about the coming of winter.  However, to be perfectly honest, my answer will be quite different come March.

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