Monday, October 19, 2020

Pigeon Roost


I took Whip out for a training session in the stockade this morning.  When we got out there she stopped and just listened.  So I listened too.  I heard cooing.  I looked over at my neighbor's silo and the very top was covered w/ pigeons.   I think they like sitting up as high as possible so they can see predators coming in - or maybe they just like the view.  Should be a good one up there.  

Tonight I met up w/ Delores at the library and we started sorting donated books for the grab-bag sale in November.  I thought it would take longer.  In the two hours we had allocated for the task, we already have half of the books sorted and alphabetized.  Not sure how well the grab bag idea will work but I found about six books I'd like.  One of the perks of helping set up for these sales - first pick of books.

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