Saturday, October 17, 2020

Snowy Woods

 During the evening constitutional two days ago, I'd heard crashing and twigs snapping in the nearby woods.  Whip heard it too but didn't bark so I assumed there was no imminent danger.  Did wonder what it was though.  Animals, even as big as bear, rarely make any noise when navigating the forest at night.   Can't imagine any person that would be crashing through the forest in the dark.  The next day on the morning constitutional there was a whole chorus of snorts as Whip and I walked down the drive.  Of course, it's the rut.  Bucks fighting for breeding rights don't care how much noise they make.  As if to drive home the point a car came slowly down the road w/ a powerful spotlight sweeping the road on either side - someone was 'shining' deer.  (I really hate being shined.)  
All summer, when Indy and I would turn around on our nightly constitutionals to head back home, Saturn and Jupiter looked like two eyes staring out of the sky at me.  I'm glad they have now moved off and down to the west.   It was snowing this morning as we walked out before sunrise.    When we turned around to head back this morning, I did a little intake of breath.  My house was beautiful in/ the falling snow lit up by the motion detector light on Mjolnir.  The windows emitted an inviting yellow glow.  If you haven't tried it, walking in the dark is a special experience.

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