Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 I have to write a story for the GNO Christmas and it's easier to find rough spots in the story if you can sit back and listen to it read back to you.  Found Natural Reader on the Internet.  It's free and you just paste the text you want read into it and pick a 'voice' to read it aloud.  I was told 'Heather' was the most Northwoods but I didn't like her cadence.  I tried both the male and female American versions:
"Sharon", "Ryan", "Will", "Rod", "Karen", "Tracy", "Mike", and "Laura".  None of them really sounded natural.  I switched to the UK versions and the very first one - "Rachel" - read almost perfectly.   She's got the right inflection and except for the way she pronounces 'glaciers' she is quite understandable.   I stuck w/ her voice as I finished some final tweaks to the story.  I did have to try a UK male voice.  What woman doesn't find an English accent somewhat sexy?  "Charles" however sounded like an actor playing the part of King Lear - more pompous than provocative.

1 comment:

Rachel Angel said...

You caught me at my night job! It brings in a little extra money. I tweaked the accent when I was in junior high and thought it was cool to have people think I was British.