Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A bucket of mums

 A nice but breezy day so did some outside tasks.  Had to move a few pieces of deck furniture into Mjolnir.  They aren't overly heavy but they are ungainly to handle.   A little applied physics and the task was accomplished without giving me a hernia.  Washed the outside of the windows - again.  I have a squeegee, paper toweling, and Windex.  Still have streaks.   Carried a mineral block out to the salt lick.    Made a list of what needed to be stored inside before the ground freezes.  As I took inventory I noticed that the brown rain barrel (actually a large plastic garbage can)  was missing.  I'd emptied it last week but had left it on the deck.   The winds must have taken it.  The wind can be pretty loud as it whips past and I might not have heard the barrel go airborne.  Luckily, on the walk tonight I found the barrel and it's cover in the tall grass off one of the trails some distance from the house.  I've also lost the top of the green rain barrel.  Maybe I'll find it along w/ my long missing thistle seed feeder this winter when the tall grass dies back.

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