Friday, October 30, 2020

One Way Arrows in the Woods?

I finally got around to carrying my library sale items from the car into the house.  Since I helped set-up, I had the chance to pick out books and pay for them ahead of the sale.  That had been over a week ago and I forgot what I'd chosen.  First was a jigsaw puzzle.  I'm half-way to my goal of having at least 10 puzzles.  When the fever hits me right after Christmas, I want to be prepared to do one a week until sometime into March.  Then were two non-fiction books - Differential Equations and Physical Science with Modern Applications (5th edition).  Both books have problems to solve and that might be a fun change of pace from doing crossword puzzles for awhile.  A small book on The Finest Legends of the Rhine looked interesting.   I'm not as familiar w/ Germanic mythology as I should be.   Another non-fiction book called Naming Nature is about the historical tension between evolutionary theory and classification.  I've read similar books but not w/ this emphasis on how the taxonomy developed.  I also picked up two mysteries by Jill Churchill.  Have never read her books but these two had nice shiny covers w/ Art Deco style illustrations on the front.  Decided to judge these books by their covers and give them a try.  The last book is the Works of Chaucer.  I might have a copy of the Canterbury Tales somewhere but picked up this book in case I was mistaken.  Should have looked at it more closely.  It's written in the original Old English which I can barely read.  However, it was printed in 1933 and it may go into my stash of old books.  For the price of two bucks, I did really well.

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