Saturday, October 31, 2020


Whip saved me for the first time.  Rachel and Steve are here for the weekend and Rachel, Whip, and I took off for a long walk this morning.  We had started down through the swamp and were coming up on the first blind corner.  Whip was ahead of us.  She took the corner, stopped, and did a deep growl.  The path goes up a small hill there and at the top, silhouetted against the sky, was the figure of a man in camouflage.   I reassured Whip that we were OK as the figure started down the hill toward us.  October 31st is, by agreement, the last day I can walk my neighbor's portion of the swamp until after rifle deer season.  We were on his land and I was pretty sure this man was my neighbor or one of his nephews.  It turned out to be his nephew Scott who said he just finished bow hunting for the day and was headed back to his truck.  Once Whip realized this was a friend, she quit growling and greeted him w/ a tail wag.  So, while no one was really in danger, Whip didn't know that and had stood her ground.  That's my tale of being saved from a monster (sorry, Scott) for this Halloween.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Good girl Wonder Whip!