Saturday, October 03, 2020


Went early on the walk since the weatherman said it could be sunny or rain in the afternoon.  Guess he was covering all of his bases w/ that forecast.  The crabapple trees still have a lot of fruit though something has taken care of any hanging less than six feet from the ground.  Crabapples are a favorite of the ruffed grouse and I can usually flush one out from under the trees.  Winterberry are bright red now.  The birds won't be eating them until there have been a few more frosts and thaws that will soften them up.  Elderberry are a favorite of someone since only the berry stems remain on the trees.  I found ripe raspberries along the trail.  Not as many as earlier in the year but enough to give me a snack.  Was surprised to find a wild plum tree at the top of Gorgeous Gorge.  Each branch was bending over w/ fruit.  I was surprised since something has already eaten the fruit in the copse of wild plums and secondly because these wild plums seemed bigger than the domesticated ones in the stockade.  Anyway, my place is filled w/ fruit this fall - some more palatable than others.

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