Monday, September 07, 2020


Labor Day.  I started the task of switching the house over from summer yellow to autumn orange.  Washed some throws before they get packed away for the season.   Did some more things around the house before I felt the need to get out and about if only for a little while.   Whip walked up the stepstool into the back of the car.  She's does that much better now that she knows the trip doesn't always end up at the vets.    We drove over to McD's where I ordered a latte for me and a hamburger for her.  She won't take the bag from my hands yet so I put it on the back seat for her and unfolded the top of the bag.  Whip wanted to ignore the bag but her nose wouldn't allow it.  Soon her whole muzzle disappeared inside it.  I needed to watch the road so I couldn't continue to watch her.  Once home I checked the back seat to see if she had actually  eaten the hamburger.  There was no bag at all.  Had she eaten the whole thing - hamburger, paper wrapping, bag, and all?  Nope.  Found the bag intact on the floor behind my seat.  In fact, the paper wrapping was still inside the bag and still in one piece too.  Pretty neat trick.

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