Sunday, September 06, 2020


 I shucked hazelnuts this morning.  That's not the proper term but hazelnuts grow w/ a hard shell that is encased in a fibrous husk.  Figured removing the husk is a little like 'shucking' corn.  Hazelnut farmers wait until the leaves and the nuts fall off the tree in autumn and pick them up off the ground.  I figured that since the edges of the husk were turning yellow and it's September, it was time to harvest mine.  Hazelnuts grow wild here - both the beaked and American (bearded) varieties - however, the squirrels get them well before the nuts drop to the ground.  There is little use going into the woods to try and pick them.  Therefore I planted two hazelnut bushes in my yard.  Too far from the cover of the woods for most squirrels to travel and where Indy (and now Whip) would make it unhealthy for them to stay for any length of time.  I'll crack open the nuts later and toast them in the oven.  Will be a treat.

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