Monday, September 28, 2020

View of my house from atop the ski hill

 For the last week have been letting Whip loose to run through the meadow and kinda exercise herself while I sat on the deck nursing my sore hip.  Tried a long walk today and it went well for awhile but then my hip ached again.  No sharp pains though.  Decided to make it a short long walk.  Which of course got me thinking about oxymorons.  This morning I'd cleaned out the cat box so in essence I now had tidy litter.  I'd gathered some seeds from the peony bush and planted them in clean dirt.  I got a call asking if I'd be voting for a certain candidate and I responded with a positive "No".  Stuff like that.  Forgot all about how cold a day it was, my leg hurting, and even bypassed the shortcut to take a longer walk than I'd planned.  Whip was pleased.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful!