Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ski Runs in Autumn

I drove to the ski hill around 1:30.  Thought by not going when it first opened, I'd miss the crowds.  Nope.  The parking lot was almost full.  I waited to pay for my lift ticket behind a little girl who was anxious for her parents to speed up so they could get on w/ the fun.  She ran back to hurry them along.  I paid for my ticket and then gave the cashier money for the  little girl's ticket too.  Figured her parents might need a little break.  The line for the ski lift seemed long but familial groups had spread themselves apart the recommended six feet..   In the winter the ski lift doesn't stop because skiers are use to getting on and off the chairs in a fluid motion.  The lift operators didn't expect the older people or people w/ little kids would be able to hop on/exit that easily so they stopped the lift for everyone.  Made for a slow ride up and down but views were fantastic, colors vibrant, and I didn't hear anyone complain.  Once up top, I tried to figure out where my house was, took some pictures, and looked down a couple of double black diamond ski runs.  As in every other year I made the mental note that I wouldn't walk down something that steep much less attempt it on skis.

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