Saturday, September 05, 2020

Maxamillian Sunflowers

Whip did well on the morning constitutional, the training session out in the stockade, another short morning walk, and when I brought her into the living room (on a leash) so she could get used to it.  She was a good dog on the afternoon long walk, coming back to me after sniffing out a bevy of ruffed grouse and chasing a deer we disturbed in the woods.  Then there was the afternoon short walk and she came into the living room again.  She was acting calm and I got distracted.  Didn't notice she had wormed her way out of her harness.  Suddenly she bounded into the bedroom where it turns out both cats holed up when they heard me bring her inside.   Dunder slipped off the side of the bed as Whip jumped up after him.  I saw Dunder slink around the edge of the bed and through the kitty door in the study.  Whip didn't see him because she saw Blitz run into the closet.  Whip ran in after her and I ran in after Whip.   Blitz ran out of the closet with Whip close behind.  I was able to finally catch the dog as she stuck her head in the kitty door before realizing that the rest of her wouldn't fit.  Whip immediately was banished to her usual spot in the foyer.  Blitz and Dunder reappeared in the living room to give me accusatory looks.  I passed out treats all around so everyone is happy and all is forgiven.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Love the line about the "look" the cats gave you.