Thursday, September 03, 2020

Full Moon Rising

The president claimed the postal service won't be able to handle the absentee ballots (August 3, 2020 White House Coronavirus briefing).  Then he said poll workers "would count them wrong" (August 31, 2020 Interview in Oval Office with Washington Examiner).   Yesterday (September 2, 2020 North Carolina rally)  he urged "Let them send it [mail-in ballot] in and let them go vote.  And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won't be able to vote."  

The first two premises had no facts accompanying the statements.  The president just threw them out to see if they would stick.  The last premise lacks logic.  If someone votes by mail, why turn around and go to the polling place to see if they can vote again?  They want to make the lines longer?  They want to take up poll worker time?  They have nothing better to do w/ their day?   They have no fear of possibly contracting Covid?   They enjoy being told that they have already voted via absentee and voting twice would be a felony?   

Most of the nonsense said during a presidential run for office is just laughable.  I take umbrage though when my integrity as a poll worker is maligned and when anyone tries to mess w/ the voting process.

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