Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Two Girls and a Guy

My county had it's annual cleanup day at the Highway Department.  They took old tires, chemical household products, and electronics.  I took in the last of the tires I've had laying around for ages. I had two tires which had rather substantial holes in them.  Another that had been cut into two lengthwise and the top half of a fourth.  Before I'd thrown the tires in the back of my car I checked that the tire that had housed a beehive for awhile this summer was now empty and that there were no snakes curled up inside the other.  The guys who helped me unload laughed remarking that I was pretty hard on tires but they took them all and I paid the nominal fee.  Afterward I met friend Nancy and we drove to a nursery to pick up mums before coming back to my place.  Nancy said she wanted to talk to someone other than her husband for awhile (Covid isolation is getting to us all).  We discussed what was going on in the national news. Lots of laughing!

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