Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Front coming through

Frost warning for the area tonight.  Cold enough that I made myself a pot pie for lunch: fried hamburger w/ onions and garlic, combined some mushroom soup w/ vegetable soup, zapped and diced a potato and combined it all in a ramekin lined w/ pie crust and some leftover for a top.  (I was a little heavy w/ the garlic but otherwise pretty good.)  Decided instead of putting sheets over my potted plants that I would move them inside Mjolnir's garage area.  Easy enough to open the garage door (which faces south) to give them extra sunlight when the temps warm by the weekend.  It drizzled most of the day and I got a bit soaked as I transferred plants over.  3 p.m. I had a Zoom meeting w/ friends and mentioned that I was cold and  planned on getting out my electric blanket - Tesla's gift to mankind - tonight.  My friends seemed curiously reticent about electric blankets.  Well, one lives in Texas so cold isn't currently an issue for them.  However, another asked the improbable question of what happens if a person urinates while using an electric blanket?  My first thought was that I'd be more concerned about having 'an accident' in bed but I knew that they were trying to really ask the question "Is it possible to be electrocuted by a blanket?"  Figured it couldn't happen too often or there would be lawyers advertising during day-time TV for class-action suits against the manufacturers.  I looked it up after getting off Zoom and while blankets over 10 years old might be able to give you a shock the newer ones won't.  Of course, any electric blanket in poor shape should be tossed.  I'm not quite ready to turn on the heat in the house yet but am looking forward to getting between toasty sheets tonight.

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