Thursday, September 10, 2020


We certainly got a frost during the night but this morning, after the fog burned off, was bright and crisp.  Thought I'd introduce Whip to the swamp.  We've taken walks through the fields and woods but I wanted to make sure she would stay w/ me.  The swamp isn't conducive to walking a dog on a leash.  Whip was eager for a walk.  When I let her out she ran for the path and did a somersault before getting there.  Part of the path through the swamp skirts a ridge.  She ran straight up the side to scatter a bunch of birds, then along the top of the ridge, and then fell off the ridge down onto the path.  Didn't seem to phase her a bit.  We took the shortcut along the old railroad track and she was running back and forth across the path.  I stopped as I walked up and out of the swamp to let her catch up w/ me.  She wasn't there.   I turned around and she was sitting ahead on the trail waiting for me.  How she got in front of me I'm not sure.  Anyway, I think Whip likes the swamp as much as I do.

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