Sunday, August 30, 2020


My PC is finally back but was wiped clean so I'm rebuilding files.   Still haven't got access to my old e-mail and, since I was planning on changing it soon anyway, I've set up a new e-mail so text or comment on this blog if you want it.  In a way it's probably good to 'clean house' occasionally.  

I mowed lawn tonight.  Started later than usual and as I was coming back toward the house on one of the trails, a deer followed by a fawn ran right in front of the mower.  Was surprised to see the fawn still has spots.  Had kinda thought they would be fading a bit by now since the fawns, according to the DNR anyway, are capable of living on their own now.  Of course the fawns don't know that - they will still follow behind their mothers until next spring.  Then the does will tell them they are on their own.


Paul said...

Hi Sue,

I would like your new email address. I sent you a 3rd milky way shot from our night on the prairie but it was right when your PC went down. Glad to hear your PC is working again.



Anonymous said...

Yes, please send me your new email address. Thanks!