Monday, August 31, 2020

Juvenile Hummingbird

While playing w/ my new smartphone I stumbled on setting a  wake-up alarm and time-to-go-to-bed reminder.  I decided to set the wake-up alarm to bird calls at 6:30 a.m.  I'm usually up and out on a constitutional w/ the dog before that.  Noticed though when I got back in the house the alarm would still be playing and Dunder would be crouched near it as if trying to figure out where all those lovely bird sounds were coming from.  
It's been a chore keeping up w/ the hummingbird demand for food most of August.  I have three feeders around the house.  I bought six and put them all out last year in an effort to keep the little buggers from fighting.  The hummers still fought.  So this year, I put out fewer feeders and rotated them w/ the extras so each feeder was cleaned and dried after each use.  I still was making four cups of sugar water in the morning and another four cups at night to keep the feeders filled.  Early last week, all of the males left.  The males leave first so, as the food sources start to dwindle, there is more for the females and this year's youngsters.   Now, I think all of the females have left too and I'm left only juveniles.  I don't need to make as much sugar water and I fill the feeders half full so the juice stays fresh.  Don't know how the juveniles decide to fly south or how they know the way.  I wish them well on their travels and hope they come back next summer.

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