Monday, July 20, 2020


Indy died.  I take solace in that she had a long and good life and remembering the joy she put in mine.   Whip has come to live w/ us.  She and the cats haven't yet come to terms but I think they will - hopefully w/o bloodshed on anyone's part.  Whip has been in a couple of foster homes so I figured she might think this is another one.   However, she barked when she saw someone coming through the field that she didn't immediately recognize (it was Brent and Paul) so that's a good sign.


Rick said...

Sorry to hear about Indy.
I hope Whip works out every bit as well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Indy bear. She was one lucky pup to have such a great life after being rescued by you. Anxious to hear about Whip. She probably doesn't know it yet but she hit the owner jackpot.


The Sandbar said...

Loved the Indy tales over the years. She was a good friend to you...maybe the cats not so much, but a good dog.
Looking forward to the Whip tales, now!
