Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Hay Bales at Dusk

My cousin Paul came for a short visit.  He hoped to get a picture of the Milky Way w/ a foreground of hay bales.  First we checked out the field where he planned on taking pictures while there was still enough daylight to see.  The sun was just setting when he took this picture.  Around 10:30 p.m., Brent, Paul, I and Whip trekked back out to the field.  Figured Paul might feel more comfortable  w someone else around.  Whip wasn't sure about the whole thing but was game for a walk.  Paul went to work setting up his cameras on tripods.  His cameras work via a remote so he could also be moving around 'light painting' the hay bales and wagon that my neighbor had left in the field.  Brent, who had the presence of mind to bring a camp chair, and I, who didn't, sat a little way off in the field.  We amused ourselves by making comments in sotto voce like golf commentators.    We picked out constellations.  We mused if someone would call in to the sheriff's office about 'suspicious lights in the field'.   Whip got tired after awhile and curled up by my legs for a nap.  A little after midnight, Paul had completed his photo shoot and we all picked our way along the mowed path home.   It's rather fun sitting in a pitch dark field.   Try it.

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