Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Watching sunrise

The split heating/air-conditioning unit I put in Mjolnir ran but didn't cool.  I called the company that installed it and left a message.  It was already Friday July 3rd and didn't expect I'd get a call back.   It was the inaugural sleep-over and Rick & Dawn made the best of it.  I didn't hear from the original installer so today I called another local company that said they would be able to look at it within a couple of days.  It's hot here and Northwoods people melt when the temps get over 80.  I'm sure they are busy.  When I walked out of the house this afternoon,  I was surprised to see the original installer was parked in front of Mjolnir and the system was blowing cold air.  I asked what had been wrong and he said he'd just hit the breaker switch.  I told him my brother had done that.  "Ah... " he said, "With these systems you have to wait a couple of minutes before flipping the breaker back on."  I'm happy that the system is working again.  Happier still that the installer said there would be no charge.  More than a little apprehensive about telling Rick & Dawn that they sweat through a couple of nights that could have been easily remedied.  So ... if you see them, don't say anything.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Your secret is safe with me!