Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I like the last constitutional Whip and I take every night.  Temps have cooled off into the 60's.  Whip comes from Hidalgo county in Texas.  She was picked up as a stray there earlier this year and the humane societies in the area were full.  She was slated to be put down.  However, in the Northwoods we are experiencing a dearth of dogs in our pounds so Whip was put into a program w/ other dogs to be shipped up North where she had a chance of being adopted.  You would think therefore she'd prefer our warmer daylight walks.  However, she too seems to like this last jaunt.  I noticed that I'd left the garage door on Mjolnir open so we first went in there to shut it.  Whip noticed something on the floor and when she got close it jumped (and so did she).  A rather large toad was soaking up the day's warmth from the concrete floor.  I nudged the toad to continue on out the door.  We went on down the driveway and Whip smelled something in the tall grass.  A frog leaped up and Whip leaped back crashing into my legs.  With Whip along I'm not afraid of anything we might encounter in the dark: except perhaps amphibians.

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