Wednesday, July 22, 2020


 Russell was here showing pictures from the family vacation.  Brent talked about making a small cabinet to put in a corner of Mjolnir.  Russell said he had just the thing - the built-in that my grandfather had made to fit between the oven and the refrigerator in their house.  Russell had revamped the kitchen space some time ago but saved the small three-drawer built-in.  He said Brent could have it.  Brent took the top off and put on a remnant counter-top he'd picked up at Menards for $5.  The little chest of drawers was lacquered pine.  Brent decided to paint it all white using left-over paint from Mjolnir.  Whip and I walked out to see what he was up to this morning.  Brent had tried to take the drawer pulls off before painting the front of the drawers but Grandpa must not have wanted them to come off 'cause they wouldn't  budge.   Brent also pointed out that with the drawers temporarily removed you could see inside at the bottom of the chest.  It was made from an old game board; looked like a chess board w/ a design for caroms on the outside.   Grandpa was into recycling - a man ahead of his time.

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