Sunday, July 12, 2020

Baby Swallows (that are none too happy about being out on their own)

Brent and Phil put in a block landing in front of Mjolnir's door today.  Hopefully will stop tracking in gravel from the driveway.  They were both a bit tuckered tonight when they came in.   I'm a little down but it's hard to stay that way here in the summer.  Saw this threesome on the garden gate.  Watched the doe and her twin fawns in the clearing Brent made to shoot off fireworks.  The hummingbirds are hitting the nectar again w/ their newly hatched offspring.  Lots of wildflowers in bloom and, it seems, I have a different variety of daylily opening up each morning too.  Nighttime temps are in the 60's and daytime are in 80's.  Tonight I can hear the coyotes singing.  Think I just need some sleep.


Anonymous said...

Nice! The swallows are social distancing.


Anonymous said...

The looks on their faces certainly make it appear that they are not pleased. Ha!