Wednesday, June 03, 2020


The theme for the photo contest last month was 'silliness'.  Sounded familiar to me so I went back through my photo contest spreadsheet and in 2017 the theme has been the root word: 'silly'.   I mentioned this to the winner of that 2017 contest.  She found her original entries and added her previous winning photo again.  Since all of my entries had been losers last time and we were using the same judge it didn't make any sense to enter them so I put in different ones.  We waited w/ bated breath when the judging began.   Yep, the winning photo from 2017 won again in 2020 - must be the epitome of a silly photo.  By the way, this photo wasn't a winner - just thought Blitz was acting silly playing in my walking boots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute picture. Looks like she is trying on those boots for size for something nefarious.
