Friday, June 19, 2020

If I was ill w/ coronavirus, it wouldn't be a good time to try and remember what contacts I'd made within the last two weeks so they could be tracked.  Therefore,  I've been keeping track daily of where I go and/or who comes to the house.  Along w/ that I also keep track of my temperature daily just in case I see a sudden spike and can self-quarantine.  My brother was here and questioned the accuracy of my thermometer when my temp one morning was 93.2 F.  Actually, wasn't that concerned since my temp is usually pretty low.   Looked it up on-line and anything below 95 F is considered hypothermia.  Funny, I'm often below that.  Went back on-line.  Different sites were all over the place on what is considered normal and what is considered abnormal for body temps.  I didn't see anything on a favorite theory of mine that a person's body temperature varies w/ the outside ambient temperature.  My hypothesis is that in the winter (in a cold clime) a person's internal temp lowers and in the summer it rises.  Here I was w/ data.  Good time to check that out.  I threw a trend-line on my graph and sure enough in the colder months of March, April, and May my average temp was lower than in the warmer months of June and July.  Of course, having only one test subject is hardly conclusive and there may be other causes for my temp changes.  Still, it is interesting.

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