Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Doe and month old fawn

I pick up takeout from the cafe downtown once a week.  Today's special was a cheese-curd burger.  Had never heard of it before.  Of course I hadn't heard of a triple onion burger the chef had featured a few weeks ago and that had been amazing.    I did have a craving for a hamburger.  No State Fair this year so might also be a way for me to get a cheese curd fix.  Ordered and when I got home w/ my takeout  I liked the burger and liked the cheese curds - just not together.   Rolled the cheese curds off the burger to savor separately.  Replaced them w/ a slice of cheese, slice of tomato, little raw onion, some pickles, and lettuce.  While I dined this doe and fawn circled past the house before heading down a path and into the hay field.  Kindofa Northwoods version of dinner and a show.

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