Friday, June 19, 2020

Sunset on Spring

Today was Indy's vet appointment.  Using the ramp she was able to climb into the passenger side front leg well of the car.  A tight fit but she can't leap up into the hatch back anymore.  When we got to the clinic, the vet's assistant came out to the car and I showed her the raw flesh on Indy's front knee.  The assistant looked at it but didn't think it was too serious.  She said she would be back out in 10 minutes and  take Indy into the clinic for a checkup by the vet.  I should stay out by the car.  After a short wait it wasn't the assistant that came out but the vet himself.   He'd looked at Indy's file, listened to the assistant relay my concerns, and figured a quick check in the parking lot was all that was needed.  He confirmed what the assistant had said about it not being serious, explained what caused it, and suggested anti-inflammatory/pain reducing pills for her.  He gave me a week's supply to try out.  (Have I said before that, while Indy doesn't like it, I love this vet clinic?  They treat animals like animals and no one refers to me as 'Indy's mom.')  Before heading home, we stopped off at McD's.  Got a latte for me and a cheeseburger for Indy.  I wanted Indy to have a good memory of the vet visit plus she didn't notice the pill I placed between bun and patty.

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