Monday, June 01, 2020

Barn Swallows

The State Fair has been cancelled for this year.  I can't even fathom how social distancing would work there.  Too bad.  Friend Kathy and I have attended together every year since sometime in the '80's.   Ahead of the Fair we'd check out the new foods on-line.  Kathy would try them but I'd end up eating the same stuff every year.  We'd walk through the livestock barns, watch the fish swim at the DNR outside pool, sit in the Hippodrome and watch whatever was going on in the arena, stuff like that.  The money I spent at the Fair was whatever loose change I had accumulated in my piggy bank over the course of a year.  Tonight I listened to the metallic plunk as I dropped quarters in.  Oh well, more money to spend at the Fair next year.

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