Sunday, May 31, 2020

W/ a twist of his neck he pulled out a grub

I'd watched the doe and fawn bed down in the meadow as the sunset the night before.  This morning the sun had been up for maybe an hour already when I saw the doe come strolling back into the meadow.  I figured they had risen at morning twilight.  Suddenly  the fawn rose from it's hiding place and ran to her.  My heart sank.  She had hidden the fawn in the hay field.  The only thing separating the meadow from the hay field is a path I mow.  The farmer that takes hay off the field doesn't go beyond that cut path.  Therefore it's easy for me to see if the animals prefer the more uniform field or the wilder meadow.  This morning the doe liked the field better as a hiding place for the fawn.  The reason that makes me a little sad is many farmers are already doing their first cut of hay.  A fawn hidden in the tall grass won't get out of the way of the blade coming through.  Had kinda hoped that given a choice, deer would prefer to hide babies in a meadow setting.  Not the end of the world though.  This morning was only one sample and I will need many more observations before drawing any conclusion.  Plus the farmer that mows my field waits until closer to the 4th of July before doing his first cut on my field.  By then fawns are keeping up w/ their mothers.

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